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Monday, July 12, 2010

"G'd Up in my Birkenstock Sandals"

I had nothing to write about until just now. I'm now in Bozeman, MT. Tomorrow I will check in at Gardiner. According to this it shouldn't take too long to get there. I'll probably leave here around 6:30 or 7 in the morning so I can check in by 9. They (the "boss", I guess?) suggest arriving before all of the people riding the bus from Bozeman get there to hopefully speed the process along.

Anyway, what I now have to write about is somewhat amusing. I went to Downtown Bozeman to get something to eat. That was successful, but upon my revival to the hotel I thought I was trying to open the wrong door. I then went down to the front desk to make sure I was at the right place (which I was), and they made me a new key. Then I came back and tried to open it again. I failed. I then I had to return to the front desk and the girl came and opened it for me. Thank you to the friendly staff at the Bozeman, MT Super 8.

Anyway, a quick summary of my day:
I walked around Downtown Bozeman, a lot.
I got a hair cut. This guy was quick, too. I liked it. I'm pretty sure he cut my hair in about 5 minutes. Awesome.

I'll hopefully have the chance to take some pictures tomorrow. I'll put them up when I get the chance. See ya.


  1. Sounds like a productful day!! Can't wait to hear how it goes tomorrow!!

  2. Alright!! Booze-man, Montaner! The start of the 4 month process begins and hopefully smiles and naked women will follow! A 5 minute haircut? Isn't that ... slow? I mean ... didn't he just buzz it? Haha. Okay well, I hope your car doesn't get tipped by a buffalo or get a flat tire.

  3. Ha! So, the adventure begins! Another first for the Super-Granny! Never took part in a blogspot before. Never saw one worth the time to do it! Until now! I guess there just are no limits to what we will do for the beloved GRAND-children. Hope to see pix of grizzlies and my personal favs, the wolves.
    You aren't too far from the Druid Peak Pack found in the Lamar Valley. It is just east of Tower. Here is a Wiki discussion of the Druids and their territory
    Well, have many adventures and good luck with new friends and new experiences!!
    (P.S. Don't know about the "Select profile" part????)
